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Empowering Communities to Build Relationships for Positive Climate Change Solutions




"Your Positive Messaging Can Change Minds & Build Bridges"


A new local company of volunteers teaching climate activists and wanna-be activists how to:


1. Become a climate voice in your community: How to choreograph best climate events for community outreach, best companies to join for lobbying and education on state and federal activities such as bills, needed legislation, overcoming obstacles, etc.


2. Join a new kind of BOOT CAMT (Camp) for development of Climate Activism Media Training skills (CAMT) to procure your skills as an activist both on/off camera, zoom, television, youTube, lobbying in your state capital or Washington, D.C. 


3. If your kiddos are 17+ help them find their voice and recommended organizations to join, to begin their journey as a voice in our community.


4. If you are already in popular activism groups: learn how to aggregate your efforts and make a bigger impact across the board with powerful community-based events and with a local media presence.


5. Attend exciting bi-partisan panels to hear both sides' needs and how we can bridge to any state in the union, or Washington D.C. for effective Lobby results. Learn great organizations to Lobby with, both state and nationally.


6. Learn what the impactful efforts are for consumers and understand the myths of the ones that are less effective. 


7. Creating your messaging as an activist curtailed to the different audiences you will be pitching for optimum results.


8. Learn the optimum way to communicate for positive and productive access to your local legislators for fruitful relationships that support our climate agendas.


9. Communicate in social media in a way that is entertaining  youthful, action-oriented and effective for positive change. Have access to actors who can execute your vision-videos or produce them with you. How to meet opposition with aplomb. How to build a partisan relationship into a nonpartisan relationship without all the acrimony. Learn to reach across the aisle in community, in family, in Washington D.C with success.


10. Climate Product Development and Research: 

How to launch your elevator pitch to Venture Capital for product funding. How to put on your own events with little or no money to educate your local politicians and influencers. Developing a product development and marketing that raises money, solve a climate problem and meets the communities needs (all socio-economic levels).


11. Create Marketing Strategies to:

 -Talk to your community about tough climate issues.

 -Build a relationship with your local politician that is meaningful.

 -Understanding how to bridge the partisan divide.

 -How to bring both sides of the parties together even with their differences.

 -How to set your climate products up for success.

 -How to create effective presentation and marketing tools to communicate with your community     and its political figure heads.


12. Become a Public Figure for Climate or a Politician

Understand what it takes to embark on a career as a local politician. If you've got political professional aspirations, we are experienced and expert at shaping your strategy, messaging and marketing needs.


13. CRPC works closely with educators to help shape the young political activists of the future. Let us know if you are interested in designing a track for your classrooms with interactive games and measurable goals to learn public speaking and salient points of key climate legislative policy. We connect your budding star with lobbying groups, mentors and logistics of making a trip to your state capitol.


14. Job Training: Become a resourceful information consultant to help homes turn off their gas-intensive utilities.


This is a 100% free service run by professionals from Silicon Valley Blue Chip companies under the established tuteledge of a seasoned, California State licensed Social Cognitive Therapist with a speciality in positive communication for climate policy. 


CRPC is dedicated to Neurodivergent training and placement of volunteer positions and community friendship.


If you are interested in knowing more or being in the focus groups  (Advisory committee openings), please email them at:

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