What the Heck is Carbon Dioxide Removal?
Can It Truly Be Removed?
If you know nothing about Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), you've come to the right place. What you need to know is, if we are going to meet Net 0 Emissions in California by 2045, 2050 or however long it takes, we need this tool and thus need to make sure the CA SB 308 Bill gets passed NLT 2025. (Read more here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB308.)
Join us for a 'First Timer's' tutorial on everything you need to know about CDR. And, what you can do to help.
We are compiling our guest speakers and common dates so please submit your name (used only for this purpose and our mailing list) if you'd like to join us in September.